


Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Director of MFT 实习

电子邮件: sarmes@apostles-today.net
电话: 206-281-2107
办公室: 马斯顿 112

教育: BA, 西雅图 Pacific University, 2007; MS University of Kentucky, 2014; PhD, 佐治亚大学, 2019. 自2019年起在SPU工作.

Stephanie joins 西雅图 Pacific University with diverse social service and family therapy experiences. Prior to her graduate training, Stephanie served five years on a strategic outreach team focused on housing those experiencing chronic homelessness in Los Angeles, CA. Through this advocacy work, Stephanie became interested in how families, 夫妻, and individuals are shaped by their trauma experiences, leading her to pursue advanced degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy. Her clinical training was conducted at university clinics in Lexington, KY, 和雅典, GA, and with Project Family Georgia, 有限责任公司, an agency serving at-risk youth and families throughout Northeast Georgia.

Stephanie’s research investigates primary (PTSD) and secondary traumatic stress (STS), or traumatic stress that therapists can experience in their work with trauma clients. This research is focused nationally and internationally. Her mixed methods study of marriage and family therapists explores the prevalence of STS, examining how a therapists’ trauma work affects their relationship with their partner, and its implications will be used to improve therapist resiliency and retention. 在国际上, Stephanie used the first nationally representative mental health survey following the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia to explore how trauma impacted individuals and communities. She is investigating experiences of therapists working with complex trauma in Cambodia, where there is limited family therapy training and no process for formalized licensure.


著年代. E.李,J.J.新娘B. E., & Seponski D. M. (2020年5月出版). Secondary trauma and impairment in clinical social workers. 虐待儿童 & Neglect special issue 研究 to promote a healthy and resilient child abuse & 忽视员工. 影响因子(2).899) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104540

著年代. E.塞邦斯基,D. M., Koa, S.卡恩,S.拉哈尔,C. J.科比. M.新娘B. E.维克拉马,K. S.邦纳克,P., & Schunert T. (2019). Exploring contextual trauma in Cambodia: A socio-interpersonal perspective of PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

著年代. E.Muruthi, J. R.米罗伊,W. H., & 曼奇尼J. A. (2019). Getting sorted out in East London: Vulnerability and resilience of homeless ex-Servicemen. European Journal of Homelessness.

辛顿,D.塞邦斯基,D. M.卡恩,S.阿梅斯,S. E.拉哈尔,C.,高,S, & Schunert T. (2019). Culturally sensitive assessment of anxious-depressive distress in Cambodia: Avoiding category truncation. Transcultural Psychiatry. 影响因子(2).28)

乔丹,我. S.塞邦斯基,D. M., & 著年代. E. (2019). “Oh it is a special gift”: A phenomenological analysis of therapists in Cambodia. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

著年代. E.C. M.卡恩,S.塞邦斯基,D. M.拉哈尔,C. J.,高,S., & Schunert T. (2018). Mental health indicators of suicide in Cambodian women. Asia Pacific Journal of Public 健康, 30, 7-18. 影响因子(1).459)

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